Maker Spotlight – Get To Know The Face Behind The Brand.
Meet Inara from Wrapped by Inara. Inara lives in Los Angeles, California and began her creative journey with jewelry in October of 2020. She finds inspiration from people. She loves meeting people and exploring their styles and stories because everyone has such a unique and special journey to share about their lives. When this admirer of all things pretty Libra isn’t lovingly wrapping each crystal with tender care, she enjoys writing, hiking, trying to revive plants after she forgets to water them, and making funny videos with her fiancée. When in creation mode, Inara loves to to watch murder stories on YouTube – Bailey Sarian is one of her faves. Currently though, she’s been watching Dawson’s Creek. She thinks it’s cringe, but I say…Doo Doo Doo Doooo….
Wrapped by Inara specializes in unique, statement jewelry pieces and custom jewelry dishes. Her pieces mainly consist of metal wrapped crystals but also can contain feathers, polymer clay, acrylic, resin or beads. Inara LOVES to do custom orders and you can DM her if you see anything on her IG feed that you must have. Her Etsy store is linked in her IG bio. Side note- Inara is one of the best humans out there. She is always supporting other makers. Not only does she constantly share other maker’s work, she purchases and proudly wears other maker’s art. She is the true definition of community over competition.
Here are some words from Inara:
-What made you want to start creating?-
“Honestly, I was bored in quarantine and made a necklace from a small crystal I had. A couple people complimented me so naturally, I went on a shopping spree for crystals to wrap – shortly after, my Instagram was born.”
-What is your MOST FAVORITE item you have created?-
“The very first earrings I made with white skulls. I remember making them for my fiancée as a gift. She said “hey you should sell these!” And once I posted them, it was my first transition from just doing necklaces into earrings! I was inspired to wire wrapped crystals for earrings!”
-What makes your shop unique?-
“This is hard. What makes my shop unique is the varying styles I make. Personally, I find it hard to stick to one look. I like to make pieces that are bright and colorful but also, subtle and minimalist. I dabble in several mediums, but my specialty will always be wire wrapped crystals. I love making customs and OOAK pieces.”
-What is the story behind your business name?-
“Wrapped by Inara was inspired by a small idea and a big idea. The small idea is literal: wire wrapped crystal jewelry. The big idea comes from the Arabic translation of Inara: light and illumination. Making art (in its many forms) brings light into my life through healing and self-love. That’s the kind of positivity I put into my pieces. They are wrapped with light and love so that they may illuminate your life!.”

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