Maker Spotlight – Get To Know The Face Behind The Brand.
Meet Sophie from Aster and Grace. Sophie is a 14-year entrepreneur and resides in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. She has been making earrings since August of 2020, but started Aster and Grace in December of 2020. Her imagination inspires her work. Most of the time she doesn’t know what she’s making and just picks up some clay and uses her imagination. Sophie enjoys knitting as a hobby when she is not making jewelry. When she is in maker mode she sits at the dining room table and watches TV with her mom and sister.
Aster and Grace specializes in polymer clay earrings. You can find a wide variety of styles and designs on her website, which is located in her bio. Sophie happily accepts custom orders.
You can get to know Sophie more on her website or on her IG page.
Here are some words from Sophie:
–What made you want to start creating?-
“I’ve always wanted to have my own small business and I thought that being bored in quarantine was the perfect time to start it and help keep me entertained!”
-Would you like to share any family info? Pets?-
“I have two younger siblings who are twins and I have a dog named Ziggy.”
-What is your MOST FAVORITE item you have created?-
“My favourite item I have created are my Angelinas!”
-What makes your shop unique? What is your specialty?
“I’m a young entrepreneur who decided to make a small business while being stuck at home during COVID.”
-What is the story behind your business name?-
“My birthday is in September. The Aster flower is September’s flower and Grace is my middle name.”

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